Scuola di Scherma


The S.S. Lazio Scherma Ariccia recently hosted a fencing delegation from “ZFencing Singapore”, accompanied by Coach Igor Celli; this training camp is the 3rd meeting between these two Societies. Singaporeans would train in the morning and in the afternoon played matches, with our athletes, in our fencing hall “Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele”.

 S.S. Lazio Scherma Ariccia and ZFencers- Picture of Miles Horca
S.S. Lazio Scherma Ariccia and ZFencers- Picture of Miles Horca

It was not only a sporting event, but a unique experience, varying from Sport, to Culture and in the meantime practicing speaking english, with excellent results from both sides.

During these two weeks, they were able to visit a selection of amazing historical, artistical and archaeological beauties of our region.

ZFencers at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia - Picture of Miles Horca
ZFencers at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia – Picture of Miles Horca

The Town Hall of Ariccia welcomed the Singaporean delegation, and allowed them to visit Palazzo Chigi, a pearl of the Baroque period, with the help of an English guide, who illustrated the wonderful furnitures and decorations inside. They enjoyed the visit and Miles Horca (a fencer’s dad) told us that “it was interesting, memorable and educational!”

Inside the Palace - Picture of Miles Horca
Inside the Palace – Picture of Miles Horca

The Society also organized a quick visit to Lanuvio and to Rome, with the supervision of the archaeologist Gina Trombetta.

 Coach Igor Celli, Chief Delegation, and Vincenzo Castrucci, Head Coach of our club were both satisfied with all the organisation.

gruppo ragazzi Zfencing e SSLazioScherma
Veronica, Nicole, Cheryl, Veronica, Jessica, Francesco – Foto di Miles Horca